In the summer of 2015 the first refugees were accomodated in a gym and a house in Hamme. The local council of the Herz Jesu-Gemeinde then thought about organising a welcome party. Neighbouring communities and individual citizens helpfully joined in.
On a first visit to the accomodation the inhabitants remarked especially on the need for clothes, mainly for new born babies. On an appeal numerous clothing donations and hygiene items were collected.
So on August 30th 2015 we were able to invite the refugees to the communal rooms to have coffee and some cake and a barbeque later in the evening. The refugees appreciated the donations. Every guest also received a small welcome present, bought with the financial support of Bistum Essen.
Due to the good feedback and the numerous citizens of Hamme who participated, the first network meeting was organized, alongside the Hammer Runde, HaRiHo (die Stadtteilpartner), sportsclubs and politicians, to be able to plan facilities in the long term. About 50 participants attended the first meeting. Supervisors from both accommodation centres explained the needs of the refugees. The first offers were given and were efficiently implemented. The protestant Gethsemanegemeinde provided rooms for the clothing donation. These rooms are now frequently manned by about 15 helpers. This supports the newcomers most of all.
The first German lessons were offered and gladly occupied in the Kreuzgemeinde.
After the autumn half-term special assistence for children doing their homework was started in the Herz Jesu-Gemeinde.
Tours with small groups were organized by the employees of HaRiHo for the refugees to get to know the city and the district they live in. They also organised godparents.
The second network meeting took place late in 2015. The first balance of the recent work was drawn and the meeting-café „meet&greet“ was planned as an additional offer.
This café first took place on february 12th 2016 and was well received.
Meanwhile we coordinated our own homepage, a donations account and a team of organisational talents to coordinate further work.
On the following pages we would like to present to you our Network and Activities.
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